Change Your Time,
Change Your Mind!
Leap Day 2020: Time Leap? or Time Loop?
February 29, marks the "Leap Day" of the Year 2020. Have you ever wondered why February is the only month of the Gregorian calendar that has 28 days? Why is an extra day inserted almost every 4 years during this month? Is this the most elegant and efficient...
July 16-26: Sirian Portal to a New Time
NS1.30.13.20 July 16th, 2018 on the Gregorian calendar July 6th, 2018 on the Julian calendar [UPDATED on JULY 16th, 2019] "We have to understand that violence is a function of living in the unnatural order of artificial time. This is a very, very profound...
NS1.30.9.24 "Belief systems, believe it or not, are functions of time. What you believe defines the time you are living in. Any belief system is held in place by the calendar and sense of time in which it is encoded." - José Argüelles "Time and the...
A WorldBridger’s Guide to Calendar Change
As an optional aide, below are all 365 12-month to 13-month correspondences, with basic algebra for calculating the 13-month date, knowing the 12-month date, x or y.* For example, January 1 thru 9 is always the same as Rhythmic 20 thru 28. January 10 is...
Calendar change and Day Out of Time: bridges between worlds
NS1.29.12.1 ~ KIN 7 (May 30th, 2017 on the gregorian calendar) Today we begin a new Month/Moon in the 13-Month, 28-Day lunar~solar~galactic calendar. We start the 12th moon cycle of 28 days out of 13, correlated with the time it takes the Earth to complete 1...
HISTORY of the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar
The 13-month, 28-day alternative has been in use on this planet for more than 6000 years. In prehistoric India and China, and throughout South America it was the standard time-keeping system. The Essenes, Egyptians, Polynesians, Maya, Inca, Lakota, and...
In order to understand the "ERROR in TIME" we need to comprehend first the definition and purpose of calendars: "A calendar, any calendar, is commonly understood as a system for dividing time over extended periods. A day is the base unit of a calendar, and...
CRI2020: THE UNTRIED SOLUTION Since the end of World War II, everything has been tried to bring peace on Earth and to restore the environment, but are we any closer to World Peace? Has the environment been restored? Why not? Maybe one fundamental solution...
BE AWARE of the “Ides of March 15” and the Gregorian Calendar
NS1.29.9.9 KIN191 (11.9) “The superior person sets the calendar in order and makes the seasons clear” I Ching, hexagram 49, Revolution Today is March 15th, 2017 on the gregorian calendar, the current global civil standard system to measure time on Earth. In...
Natural Calendar 2016-2017 FREE Download
"It is of utmost importance that the knowledge of time as the 13 Moons in motion be disseminated through all media and education systems of the planet as rapidly as possible, and that the Gregorian calendar be relinquished as soon as possible. Once humanity...
Change the Calendar. Change your Mind. Change the World.
NS1.29.5.22 – Overtone Moon 22, KIN 92 – 1Human Year of the Blue Spectral Storm Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 Declaring the End of Artificial Time and Shifting from Fear to Love We are at an evolutionary crossroads on Earth. 2016 has been a year of mass...
Referéndum del Calendario 2020 y Declaración Universal de Paz Mundial
NS1.29.3.23 – Luna Eléctrica 21, Kin 37 – Año de la Tormenta Espectral Azul Miércoles 12 de Octubre de 2016 DÍA DE LA RAZA ~ 524 Años de la llegada de Cristobal Colón a América ~ El Consejo Global para la Concientización del Calendario (CGCC), una plataforma...

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