In order to understand the “ERROR in TIME” we need to comprehend first the definition and purpose of calendars:
“A calendar, any calendar, is commonly understood as a system for dividing time over extended periods. A day is the base unit of a calendar, and the solar year is the base extended period.
The length of the solar year is currently reckoned at 365.242199 days. The Gregorian calendar divides this duration into twelve uneven months – four months of 30 days, seven of 31 days, and one of 28 days. On the Gregorian calendar the accrued quarter day is handled by inserting February 29th every four years. This is not necessarily the most logical, nor only way of handling the accrued quarter day.
A synodic lunation of 29.5 days, the duration of one moon cycle seen from the Earth, is only one of the lunation cycles from which lunar computations can be made. There is also sidereal lunation cycle of 27.33 days (taken from the duration of the moon to return to a fixed point in the sky); the 27.32 day tropical cycle (taken from the celestial longitude), and the draconic cycle of 27.2 days (taken from the time it takes the moon to return to the same node).
“30 days hath September, April, June, and November; all the rest have 31; except for February which has 28.” So goes the folk rhyme underscoring the illogical nature of the Gregorian calendar. By contrast, a far easier and more logical way to divide the solar year would be by thirteen 28-day months with ONE extra FREE day.
The point is this:
There is no logical or scientific relation between the exact length of the year and the use of the Gregorian calendar to measure and divide that length.
Nonetheless, the Gregorian calendar is held up as the most perfect instrument for dividing time, and is in use worldwide as the official standard. Although the lunation-based calendar of Islam, the Hindus, Jews, and Chinese are still used for religious or ritual purposes, in daily economic and political affairs the Gregorian calendar prevails throughout the planet. How and why did this happen? What is the Gregorian calendar and where did it come from? Why do we continue to use it? Indeed, what is the relationship between calendars and human behavior?”
“According to the Law of Time, the current calendar is an irregular standard of measure; its units of measure do not correspond. This calendar represents, therefore, the institutionalization of disorder and entropy.”
Living in ignorance of the Law of Time and of the true nature of time, the human species constructed its own concept of time which is based on the clock with its 60-minute hour and the Gregorian calendar with its maddening array of unevenly numbered months. Hence, the paradigm of the artificial timing frequency is defined by the ratio 12:60 (twelve-month calendar, 60-minute hour) -in contrast to the 13:20 ratio of natural time. If the artificial mechanistic and irregularly measured time sets the human race apart from true or natural time, does this not also establish the fact that the human race is living an error in time? Only by living such an unconsciously assumed error could the human race arrive at such an apocalyptic moment as the Inevitable Event [9.11.2001] -inevitable because any deviation from the truth has an inevitable moment when the truth rebounds in some dramatic or even apocalyptic way. Is it possible that the entire construct of modern civilization, so devastating to the biosphere, is a function of this error in time? Is modern civilization like a time warp, a bubble of artificial time that suddenly got popped on the 9-11?”
José Argüelles
Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs