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The 13-month, 28-day alternative has been in use on this planet for more than 6000 years. In prehistoric India and China, and throughout South America it was the standard time-keeping system. The Essenes, Egyptians, Polynesians, Maya, Inca, Lakota, and Cherokee used a 13-month, 28-day calendar. The Celtic knowledge of the Druids is based on the Tree Calendar, also a 13-month, 28-day calendar. Today many cultures are still using their traditional 13-month calendar system.

Please find below an excerpt from the history of the 13 Moon Perpetual Calendar~Synchronometer from the book Thirteen Moons in Motion by Jose Arguelles, the discoverer of the Law of Time and the last advocate of calendar reform of our time:


“All Indigenous Peoples of the Earth know and respect the wisdom and power of the turtle. Within turtle’s shell is the knowledge of time and the wisdom of the thirteen moons. Turtle’s wisdom is the power of cosmic knowledge.

Thirteen scales make up the back of turtle’s shell. It takes thirteen moons for Earth to go around the sun just once. Among the Indigenous Peoples of North America, Earth is known as Turtle Island. To remember that Earth is Turtle Island is to remember the way of the Earth guided by the cosmic power of thirteen moons.

In the original time, turtle’s wisdom was known by every child of the Earth. Every child knew that thirteen moons is the path to walk. It is the path of life that needs no explaining.

After the original time came the seeds and the planting. Then came the sword, and the forgetting. During the last four hundred years the Indigenous Peoples of the planet retreated deeper into the forest, the wilderness, the jungle. Wherever they went, they were followed by the machine and the twelve-month calendar of colonialism. Deprived of their own time, the Indigenous Peoples were forced into the false time of the machine.”

“On October 12, AD 1492 (Dreamspell 7 Earth of year 7 Storm), Christopher Columbus arrived in the “New World.” The hopes of the Maya, the Hopi, and all indigenous people, not only of the Americas, but of the entire planet were thoroughly shattered and destroyed. Genocide, enslavement, and colonization were the indigenous people’s reward. Never had the knowledge of a high civilization been so intentionally desecrated and destroyed as was that of the Maya.In one single act of conquest, humanity was deprived of the gift of the knowledge of time. By 1583 the Catholic Church installed its “reform” of time known as the Gregorian calendar. Simultaneous to the proclamation of the Gregorian calendar was the development of mechanized time, the basis of all machine technology. Instead of the 13:20 galactic frequency of time, the planet was bequeathed with the 12:60 (12-month year, 60-minute hours) frequency of machine technology.”

Jose Arguelles
13 Moons In Motion


Calendar reform is NOT a new crazy idea

It is important for us to remember that during the first half of the 20th century, a vigorous and well-organized calendar reform movement flourished. George Eastman of Eastman Kodak organized a great campaign on behalf of a particular 13-month, 28-day calendar, known as The International Fixed Calendar, a perpetual calendar (same every year) with 13 equal months of exactly 4 weeks (28 days) each, comprising 364 days, and with the final 365th day held not in any week or month, often known as a “Null Day” or “Zero Day,” so that the first day of the year is always the first day of the week, a Sunday.

In the United States alone, over one hundred industries adopted a 13-month, 28-day perpetual calendar.  Kodak used one until 1989. It was announced that on January 1, 1933, we would return to 13 months of 28 days each. But the Vatican resisted to it by focusing on a campaign against the “Null Day.”

They argued that a break in the succession of the seven-day week would create chaos and calamity. George Eastman Kodak, one of the most well-known 13-month, 28-day calendar proponents of that time, was murdered within the next year after the Vatican stopped the calendar change. This calendar story has been swept under the history carpet.

A truly “KODAK Moment”

In 1922, the League of Nations appointed a Committee of Inquiry to study the question of calendar reform. More than 130 (185) different proposals were submitted to the committee, but the Cotsworth Plan is the one outstanding proposal that meets the needs of business organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce, the NY State Chamber of Commerce… and is fast gaining favor among businessmen. In fact, many concerns have already adopted a thirteen-month calendar for their records and are already getting some of the advantages of the proposed plan…”


The Campaign for the New Time of the New Millenium

“What the priests of the Catholic Church thought they had buried through an auto-da-fe in 1562, and overcome with the imposition of the Julian-Gregorian calendar over the conquered Maya, returned with the precision of prophetic timing in 1987. The publication of The Mayan Factor not only opened the door on a new look at the Maya, but also on an understanding of time that was anything but chronological. A new dimension of time appeared – radial, fractal time, the synchronic order. And behind the reassessment of the nature of time was the provocative call of Mayan prophecy – the end of the thirteen baktun long count, 2012.

On the heels of The Mayan Factor, in 1989, came the discovery of the 13:20 and 12:60 timing frequencies, the beginning revelation of the law of time and the reawakening of the issue of calendar reform. With virtually no knowledge of the earlier calendar reform movement, but impelled by the discovery of the timing frequencies, a deliberately populist route was sought to establish, first of all, whether or not people of various cultures would respond to the call for replacing the Gregorian with the Thirteen Moon calendar. Hence was born the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and its organizational outlets, the Planet Art Network (1993). It was only after the waters of the calendar reform proposal had been tested for some seven years, that it was determined to consolidate and establish the Foundation for the Law of Time (2000).

flt-logoIt was following the stabilization of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement through the Foundation for the Law of Time, that a serious study was undertaken to incorporate the information regarding the earlier calendar reform movement into considerations of the current Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. From these efforts came the next stage of operations, the Campaign for the New Time, 2000-2004. It is now important to understand something of the history and nature of this earlier reform movement, because it lends even greater legitimacy and contextual seriousness to the efforts of the Movement to which the Foundation for the Law of Time is committed to pursue to the end.”

We did not choose this nonsense

The legal code of the United States does not specify an official national calendar. Use of the Gregorian calendar in the United States stems from an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1751, The British Calendar Act of 1751, which specified the use of the Gregorian calendar in England and its colonies.
In other countries like Saudi Arabia, we are NOW witnessing the perpetuation of this ERROR in TIME after the country switched to the Gregorian calendar last Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 on the last day of the year 1437 AH. As a result of this arbitrary measure “civil servants” will lose 11 days of pay:

If we are working more days some months more than others and receiving less money for our hours, probably we are “civil servants” too. Don’t we? And are not the banks using those few extra days every month to charge EXTRA interest on your debts?

Why are we so blind about these KEY subjects of TIME and CALENDARS if these are the guiding principles of our EVOLUTION and CONSCIOUSNESS?
What can be done about this?


The call for a NEW Macro-Organizing program for Society

We now understand that a calendar is a programming device for society. Our beliefs, habits, and customs are governed by the calendar that we use. Throughout human history, calendars have been the primary instrument by which a society is regulated and controlled.

A calendar is like the operating system of your computer. You are usually unaware that you are using it until a glitch causes the system to get confused. A calendar should not create confusion due to its irregularity and irrationality.

It should be an operating system that is clear, simple, and perpetual, one that creates awareness of natural cycles of time.

“To change and replace the calendar with the thirteen moon standard is to return us to our original purpose, leading us back to pathways of natural health. According to the law of time, the damage already inflicted in the time humanity last hesitated and lost the chance to alter its timing frequency, 40 years ago, has been incalculable. The final opportunity to change the calendar and the timing frequency is now upon us. Because of this we must be very clear and unshakable in our understanding and determination to expose and eliminate the current civil calendar for once and for all.” ~ Jose Arguelles

The return to NEW Standard Unit of Measure

In the current world standard 12-month Gregorian calendar, the units of measure, months, are of unequal length. Perhaps it is the only measurement known to man that has unequal units of measure.

Consider that today is Friday. Using the 12-month system, it is “Friday, July 22nd, 2016” One month later in this system, it will be “August 22nd” But what day of the week will it be?

Because the months are irregular and do not have a whole number of weeks, WE DO NOT KNOW.

When there is this disruption in the flow of consciousness, it is like a glitch in the operating system. It causes error and confusion. And this occurs every day for millions of people.

Such a system is an idiotic basis of human thought. It is a time virus, and so it is a consciousness virus. The ramifications are incredible just as it is incredible that such a system of confusion is still in use.  […]

“Of all the unexamined assumptions and criteria upon which we base and gauge our daily lives as human beings on planet Earth, by far the greatest and most profoundly unquestioned is the instrument and institution known as the Gregorian Calendar.”

José Argüelles
“Thirteen Moons in Motion”