February 29, marks the “Leap Day” of the Year 2020. Have you ever wondered why February is the only month of the Gregorian calendar that has 28 days? Why is an extra day inserted almost every 4 years during this month? Is this the most elegant and efficient way to reconcile the accumulated extra day every 4 years?
In this article, we aim to explore some of the answers to these questions and their profound implications on the planetary crisis we are now experiencing. We hope this can serve in the future as a complete reference source on the “Leap Year Day Rule” and calendar reform.”
In order to address this Leap Year rule we need to go 438 years back in time to February 24, 1582 (Julian), the date of the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582, signed by Pope Gregory XIII :
The Gregorian calendar is a minor correction to the Julian. In the Julian calendar every fourth year is a leap year in which February has 29, not 28 days, but in the Gregorian, with the introduction of the “Leap Year Rule”, it was established that “years divisible by 100 are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400″. Therefore, the years 1600, 2000, and 2400 are leap years, while 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, and 2300 are not leap years.
Considering that:
1. The Gregorian Reform of 1582 introduced the “Leap Year Rule” or “Intercalary Day Rule”…
2. 2020 is a “Leap Year”…
3. February 28, 2020, marks the completion of a prophetic cycle of 7 YEARS since the day when Pope Benedict XVI stepped down as the head of the institution behind this reform… and…
4.“Leap Day” February 29, 2020, can be considered a “time anomaly derived from this reform”…
… TODAY is a perfect opportunity to dive deep into the ocean of TIME and comprehend the transcendental nature of the window comprised between February 24 to 29, 2020.
In the same way as the Julian calendar precedes the Gregorian Calendar, the Roman calendar precedes the Julian, and the day February 24 is used to mark the LAST DAY of the Roman year. This may be the reason why the Gregorian Reform Bull was ALSO signed on February 24, 1582 (Julian calendar).
NOTE: Before we continue, it is important to clarify that since we want to match the astronomical configuration of the planets for February 24, 1582, in relationship to their corresponding positions in 2020, we need to observe the Julian count. Since the initial 10-day difference between the Julian and the Gregorian counts is now 13 days, February 24, 2020 (Julian) now corresponds to March 8, 2020 (Gregorian). In simple words: March 8, 2020, marks the actual-factual 438th solar orbit since the institutionalization of this calendar. March 8 also signals Woman´s Day celebrations around the world… We will expand on the importance of this in the future.
In order to examine the true origins of this “hiccup in time” known as the “Leap Year Day” in more detail, we will now bring back to memory an excerpt from “The Campaign for the New Time”. This historic document published in 2001 contains a summary review on the subject of calendar reform.
History of Leap Year Days – Why is there a Leap Year Day?
Hexagram 49
Fire in the lake: the image of Revolution.
Thus the superior man
Sets the calendar in order
And makes the seasons clear.
“Our calendar originally comes from a semi-lunar one, this is why the word month is so similar to the word moon. The twelve months followed the actual lunar movement by adopting months of 29 and 30 days alternately. This result gave a year of 354 days, which followed the moons but was far short of the 365-day solar year. For this reason, an intercalary month of varying length was added every two to three years. This completed the solar year and kept the seasons in order.
In Roman times, the intercalary month became a way for the Roman Pontiffs to manipulate politics. The Pontiffs decided when the intercalary month would occur: Consuls who they favored were given an extra month in office. Those who they disliked found themselves out of office, even though an intercalary month was overdue. The result was that in troubled times, the Roman calendar gradually got out of hand, as people added or withdrew intercalary months for political reasons, and not to keep the seasons in order.
By the time Julius Caesar returned to Rome in 45 B.C. the abuse of this practice was so great that the Spring Equinox was falling in winter. This was creating disturbances and confusion throughout the Empire. To restore the calendar to its supposed original relation with the seasons, he extended the year of 45 B.C. to 445 days, adding the months of Unidecember and Duodecember… This became known as the Year of Confusion.
Julius Caesar, under the advice of Cleopatra’s astrologer Sosiegenes, changed the Roman semi-lunar calendar to fit the Egyptian calendar of Thoth. He adjusted the lengths of the months so that there were 365 days to a year with only one intercalary day required every four years.
The year of 44 B.C. would start on January 1st, the first new moon after Winter Solstice. Caesar changed the name of the month Quintilis, which means 5, to Julius, or July. He also had coins struck to commemorate the Calends of the new year. The first year of the new calendar was also the first time any ruler in the Roman Republic had minted coins with their own portrait on them. At this time in history temples were to be built to him as if he was a god
One might think that since the new year began on January 1st, the intercalary, or leap year day, would be on December 32. Though Caesar made radical changes to the calendar, he did not feel that he could move the time when the intercalations were made because they had become interwoven with the religious observances during the month of February. This was when the Pontiffs had previously added their intercalary month for Consuls they favored, the time Caesar had done away with.
On the Ides (or 15th) of February the festivals of Lupercalia were celebrated. These feasts were believed to honor the god Februus, the purifier.
To celebrate the holy day, two male priests ran through the streets wearing only the skins of sacrificed animals, beating women with leather straps called februa in the belief that it would make them fertile. It seems that in order to make his calendar change part of religious observances he chose this day – the ancient precursor to Valentine’s Day – to appear before the crowd for the first time in a purple toga and a gold wreath, the dress of the ancient kings of Rome.
He was then presented to the public for the first time as Dictatus Perpetuus, or dictator for life. His Consul, Mark Anthony, offered him the crown of Rome and the title of Rex or king, which Caesar turned down saying that Jupiter alone is the king of Rome – and the crowd cheered. The people feared the idea of a king, they had the right to vote and lived in a powerful Republic.
The crowds cheered the new Dictatus Perpetuus, but the members of the Senate realized they had lost complete control of the calendar and realized the full meaning of the word dictator. They assassinated him exactly one month later, on the Ides of March.
Complete chaos and anarchy ensued until about 30 B.C. All of the Senators were killed, and Mark Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide. The only Patricians left standing were the son of Julius Caesar, Augustus, and his supporters.
Augustus Caesar took complete control of the Republic and declared that he and his father were Gods. Augustus placed his name in the calendar, August, alongside that of his father, July.
…And that is why we have leap year days on February 29, and why our calendar is as crooked and illogical as it is.
So if you want to give Caesar what is Caesar, why not start with his outdated
Take a Day-Out-of-Time this 25th of July!”
The year 2020 represents a critical threshold for our planet and our civilization. How is this? Since 20 years corresponds to the span of ONE GENERATION, 2020 is marking the arrival of the first generational wave to the 20-Year marker of the 3rd Millennium. The number 2020 also refers to “perfect vision”, and is, therefore, an invitation to ask ourselves: “What is our collective vision for the planet for the next seven generations?” This is then a TIME inviting us to ENVISION A NEW FUTURE…
The year started with BIG challenges for this NEW Generation of the 3rd Millenium. We are arriving at the cusp of the information age, characterized by a paradoxical spike of “disinformation”. Propaganda wars. Technological wars. Frequency wars.Information wars. We are transiting to a phase of an unprecedented wave of online censorship. So inner discernment has never been so key to distinguishing true from false and staying balanced.
December 31, 2019, also marked the first reported case of a virus that has been increasingly disrupting the regular flow of activities around the planet since day 1 of the year 2020.
“In the new science of Time, unlike the old science, spiritual morality, and scientific technique are inseparable.” – José Argüelles
Now that we have established a chronological background and arrived at the current date in time and evolutionary crisis stage we can neutralize the compounding detrimental effects caused by following a calendar of disharmony. The Julian/Gregorian calendars are at the root of the old scripts and old programs that are keeping humanity trapped in a consciousness loop of stories that repeat through the years like a broken record of unlearned lessons.
Parallel to this time loop, Humanity is now going through a “Quantum” evolutionary LEAP in consciousness.
But, what do we mean by Quantum? Quantum is the Latin word for amount and, in modern understanding, means the “smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter”.
This quantum shift corresponds to an evolutionary stage known as the biosphere-noosphere transition crisis. José Argüelles described this stage as “the point where the planet goes from the cosmic unconscious to the cosmic conscious. This transition passage from a time of materialism to a new time where mental/spiritual values are paramount.”
“By common consent, a calendar is a system for reckoning time. Virtually all current time reckoning systems take account only of chronological or, better put, astronomical time – the movement of the earth in relation to celestial bodies, the sun, moon, planets, stars, and constellations. This is a purely third-dimensional, physical consideration of time. The law of time affirms a higher order of time – the synchronic order. This is the time of the fourth dimension, which includes the chronological but enfolds it in a higher mental and mathematical order of reality. […] Operating by purely third-dimensional chrono-astronomical timing standards without knowledge of the synchronic order of fourth-dimensional time, subjects humanity to a partial and one-sided view of reality which is hazardous to the planet and jeopardizes the future existence of the human species as well as all of life on earth.”
The year 2020 marks a KEY INTERSECTING NODE within this transition timeline and February 29, 2020, is at the center of this process of synchronization between both counts. How is this? There are several factors to consider:
1. February 29 marks the 60th day of the year, in resonance with the 60 minutes in an hour and the 60 seconds in the minute embedded within the artificial-mechanical time frequency, also known as the 12:60 ratio.
2. 2016 was also a Leap Year and a “Leap Second” was added right at the end of the year. This means also that since 2020 is also a Leap Year a “Leap Second” will be added…
According to TimeandDate.com, June 30, 2020, can be the day when this next leap second takes place…
3. This addition of a leap second to the year is a reflection of a consciousness obsessed with microseconds and disconnected from the larger cycles and patterns in Nature.
4. February is the only month of the Gregorian calendar comprised of 28 days.
5. As synchronicity would have it, the Galactic Moon (Month 8) Day 22 is written “8.22“, and in the Gregorian calendar, February 28 is written “2.28“, presenting a numerical mirror reflection that recurs between the two systems annually.
To accommodate, or rather reconcile, the conundrum presented by the recurring Leap Day in the Gregorian calendar, the 13-month, 28-day transitional calendar identifies the Leap Day as a “null day” or additional “+1” day. This essentially means that in the 13:28 calendar frequency, a leap day is not actually a calendar day as it relates to the perpetual nature of the recurring cycle of 28 days per month/moon. Other systems that track 13 moon, galactic, or ‘natural time’ cycles, have similarly created designations to acknowledge that Leap Day is a thing, however maintaining the understanding that it is still, nevertheless, an aberration of a time-keeping basis that is riddled with confusion.
Occurring during the 8th month between days 22 and 23, Leap Day is accommodated in the 13-month transitional calendar and regarded as a “null day” or no actual day at all, so as to not disrupt the perpetual count of the 13:28 frequency and sequence of days.
To download a free copy of the 2019-2020 (current-year) 13-Month, 28-Day Transitional Calendar, please visit this link: 13-Month,28-Day Calendar Free PDF
To learn more about how the Leap Year Day is reconciled within the ancestral and galactic Maya counts please visit:
“It is of utmost importance that the knowledge of time as the 13 Moons in Motion be disseminated through all media and education systems of the planet as rapidly as possible, and that the Gregorian calendar be relinquished as soon as possible. Once humanity is operating on the correct standard of time, it will have a proper basis of unification for accomplishing the enormous and heroic task that now challenges it. Greater than any spiritual teaching is the gift of time.”
– Thirteen Moons in Motion –
José + Lloydine