KIN191 (11.9)
“The superior person sets the calendar in order and makes the seasons clear”
I Ching, hexagram 49, Revolution
Today is March 15th, 2017 on the gregorian calendar, the current global civil standard system to measure time on Earth. In the Roman calendar, March 15 was known as the Ides of March. The history of this calendar is enshrouded in violence, greed, imperial power, and CONFUSION, and March 15th is the date that is at the root of it, as it goes back to the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated just 1 month after the start of his new calendar… on the first month of the first year after the “Year of Confusion”. In the current world standard 12-month Gregorian calendar, this confusion is reflected in the FACT that the units of measure, months, are of unequal length. Perhaps it is the only measurement known to man that has unequal units of measure.
So today is a great day to revisit history and made conscious the foundations upon which this timing system is rooted.
Excerpt from:
“Our calendar originally comes from a semi-lunar one, this is why the word month is so similar to the word moon. The twelve months followed the actual lunar movement by adopting months of 29 and 30 days alternately. This result gave a year of 354 days, which followed the moons but was far short of the 365-day solar year. For this reason, an intercalary month of varying length was added every two to three years. This completed the solar year and kept the seasons in order.
Julius Ceasar
In Roman times, the intercalary month became a way for the Roman Pontiffs to manipulate politics. The Pontiffs decided when the intercalary month would occur: Consuls who they favored were given an extra month in office. Those who they disliked found themselves out of office, even though an intercalary month was overdue. The result was that in troubled times, the Roman calendar gradually got out of hand, as people added or withdrew intercalary months for political reasons, and not to keep the seasons in order.
By the time Julius Caesar returned to Rome in 45 B.C. the abuse of this practice was so great that the Spring Equinox was falling in winter. This was creating disturbances and confusion throughout the Empire. To restore the calendar to its supposed original relation with the seasons, he extended the year of 45 B.C. to 445 days, adding the months of Unidecember and Duodecember… This became known as the Year of Confusion.
TIME IS MONEY: The coin reads Imper Caesar (Emperor Caesar) Roman coin dated 44 B.C. portraying Caesar wearing the golden wreath. First Roman to appear on a coin in his own lifetime. Becomes an established model for Roman Imperial coinage
Julius Caesar, under the advice of Cleopatra’s astrologer Sosiegenes, changed the Roman semi-lunar calendar to fit the Egyptian calendar of Thoth. He adjusted the lengths of the months so that there were 365 days to a year with only one intercalary day required every four years.
The year of 44 B.C. would start on January 1st, the first new moon after Winter Solstice. Caesar changed the name of the month Quintilis, which means 5, to Julius, or July. He also had coins struck to commemorate the Calends of the new year. The first year of the new calendar was also the first time any ruler in the Roman Republic had minted coins with their own portrait on them. At this time in history temples were to be built to him as if he was a god.
One might think that since the new year began on January 1st, the intercalary, or leap year day, would be on December 32. Though Caesar made radical changes to the calendar, he did not feel that he could move the time when the intercalations were made because they had become interwoven with the religious observances during the month of February. This was when the Pontiffs had previously added their intercalary month for Consuls they favored, the time Caesar had done away with.
On the Ides (or 15th) of February the festivals of Lupercalia were celebrated. These feasts were believed to honor the god Februus, the purifier. To celebrate the holy day, two male priests ran through the streets wearing only the skins of sacrificed animals, beating women with leather straps called februa in the belief that it would make them fertile. It seems that in order to make his calendar change part of religious observances he chose this day – the ancient precursor to Valentine’s day – to appear before the crowd for the first time in a purple toga and a gold wreath, the dress of the ancient kings of Rome.
He was then presented to the public for the first time as Dictatus Perpetuus, or dictator for life. His Consul, Mark Anthony, offered him the crown of Rome and the title of Rex or king, which Caesar turned down saying that Jupiter alone is the king of Rome – and the crowd cheered. The people feared the idea of a king, they had the right to vote and lived in a powerful Republic.
The crowds cheered the new Dictatus Perpetuus, but the members of the Senate realized they had lost complete control of the calendar and realized the full meaning of the word dictator. They assassinated him exactly one month later, on the Ides of March.
Cesar Augustus added one more month to honor himself…
Complete chaos and anarchy ensued until about 30 B.C. All of the Senators were killed, and Mark Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide. The only Patricians left standing were the son of Julius Caesar, Augustus, and his supporters.
Augustus Caesar took complete control of the Republic and declared that he and his father were Gods. Augustus placed his name in the calendar, August, alongside that of his father, July.…And that is why we have leap year days on February 29, and why our calendar is as crooked and illogical as it is. So if you want to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, why not start with his outdated calendar.”
“Take a Day-Out-of-Time this 25th of July!“
March was used to signal the original starting point of the Roman Calendar. Its name is derived from Mars the Roman “God of War”. Since the calendar is a PROGRAM that tends to repeat the same script every time we reach the same position of the year, it is not surprising that since then March 15, has become a crucial occult day in history and events with similar qualities of the original event have been playing out. From Wikipedia:
- 351 – Constantius II elevates his cousin Gallus to Caesar, and puts him in charge of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire.
- 493 – Odoacer, the first barbarian King of Italy after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, is slain by Theoderic the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, while the two kings were feasting together.
- 856 – Michael III, emperor of the Byzantine Empire, overthrows the regency of his mother, Empress Theodora with the support of the Byzantine nobility.
- 1493 – Christopher Columbus returns to Spain after his first trip to the Americas.
- 1783 – In an emotional speech in Newburgh, New York, George Washington asks his officers not to support the Newburgh Conspiracy. The plea is successful and the threatened coup d’état never takes place.
- 1848 – A revolution breaks out in Hungary. The Habsburg rulers are compelled to meet the demands of the Reform Party.
- 1916 – United States President Woodrow Wilson sends 4,800 United States troops over the U.S.–Mexico border to pursue Pancho Villa.
- 1917 – Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates the Russian throne ending the 304-year Romanov dynasty.
- 1933 – Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss keeps members of the National Council from convening, starting the Austrofascist dictatorship.
- 1985 – The first Internet domain name is registered (symbolics.com).
- 1986 – Collapse of Hotel New World: Thirty-three people die when the Hotel New World in Singapore collapses.
- 1990 – Mikhail Gorbachev is elected as the first President of the Soviet Union.
- 1991 – The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany comes into effect, granting full sovereignty to the Federal Republic of Germany.
2011 – Beginning of the Syrian Civil War.
Considering that this last event is still impacting our world TODAY in a VERY DECISIVE WAY, it is then really IMPORTANT to note TODAY that according to the most recent news coming from the region, the Sirian War seems to be almost over after 6 Years of conflict, even though there are still dark forces trying to sabotage the progress made so far:
Our prayers to ALL affected by this last UNCONSCIOUS ripple of a calendar rooted in war coming to resolution during a month rooted in war…
According to scholar Alan Bartling:
“One look at this calendar shows someone spent an enormous amount of time constructing it. The symmetry is arraigned to bring chaos into focus. Fortunately, the negative disparate aspects of the change trickled back into B.C. time without influencing the calendar rotation forward. The hardest part of deciphering this calendar was the missing dates associated with major announcements in historic Rome. The prime example is when did the Roman Senate deify Julius Caesar and what consummated that anointing? This magnanimous event constituted the major hegemony of political, civil, and religious authority in the history of the world, to this very day. It demanded Julius Caesar be one of Daniel’s terminus “Messiahs” (Dan. 9:26). “

“Year of Confusion” 45 B.C. • March 21st = Sunday (SOURCE: http://enochsolarcalendar.org/roma/)
On his website, Bartling dissects the historic phases that preceded our current calendar and goes deeper into the roots of the multiple factors that have added chaos and confusion to the gregorian calendar as our current global civil standard:
1). Roman Republic (Roman Republic calendar).
2). Roman Civilization (Julius Caesar calendar).
3). Roman Empire (Augustan calendar).
4). Roman Catholic Church (Julian calendar).
5). Pope Catholic Church (Gregorian calendar).
A great many changes occurred in the calendars down through the centuries.
1). Length of year.
2). Leap months.
3). Political maneuvering of days.
4). Year of confusion.
5). Inclusive leap years.
6). Days deleted (February) then added discriminately.
7). Deletion of multiple leap days.
8). Month lengths changed.
9). Descending years became ascending.
10). Final alignment with additional leap day.
To learn more about the roots behind this calendar and its predecessors and successors please explore his website the section dedicated to Rome: http://enochsolarcalendar.org/roma/
45 BC was the year of confusion during the times of the Roman Empire… It is interesting to notice that the current president of the USA (modern reflection of the Roman Empire and its military power)is the 45th in history and that he gave his address to Congress last February 28, eve of March 1st – the first month of Mars…
We have also noticed that from day one his administration has been enshrouded in CONFUSION based on WAR PROPAGANDA…
“If the Julian/Gregorian calendar was to be offered as a new device for measuring time, we, with our present knowledge and state of living, would reject is as something utterly impractical, lacking in harmony and order, unbalanced and irregular, too clumsy a calendar to make calculations by…”
Broughton Richmond
“Time Measurement and Calendar Construction”
Today is also a good opportunity to remember that a calendar is like the operating system of your computer. You are usually unaware that you are using it until a GLITCH causes the system to get confused. A calendar should not create confusion due to its irregularity and irrationality. It should be an operating system that is clear, simple, and perpetual, one that creates awareness of natural cycles of time.
Fortunately, we have a solution to the confusion:
Since the end of World War II, everything has been tried to bring peace to Earth and to restore the environment, but are we any closer to World Peace? Has the environment been restored? Why not? Maybe one fundamental solution has not been tried:
Yes, to change the calendar is to effect a profound and fundamental change in human consciousness. Only a change in consciousness will bring about the creative solutions our world so sorely needs today. By changing the calendar we use every day, will we change our everyday consciousness and establish a new time on Earth.
The Calendar Referendum Initiative 2020 (CRI2020) is an emerging people’s movement, synchronized with Nature’s movement, whose sole purpose is to restore Harmony and Peace on Earth. This movement is
The Calendar Referendum Initiative 2020 (CRI2020) is the corner-stone of the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar Awareness Campaign, a 4-Year Educational Program (2016-2020)destined to usher a Calendar Referendum for the year 2020 when a new collective choice point can be reached to implement a new timing system based on the accurate measure of the actual harmonic principles governing the astronomical cycles of the Earth.
To learn more about how you can be part of the solution to the confusion please visit our new sister site: