Change Your Time,
Change Your Mind!
Calendar Referendum & Declaration of First World Peace
NS1.29.3.21 – Electric Moon 21, Kin 35 – Year of the Blue Spectral Storm Monday, October 10th, 2016 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY (COLUMBUS DAY) ~ 524 years from the arrival of Columbus to America~ The Global Council for Calendar Awareness (GCCA), an autonomous...
The New Sirius Cycle and its New Standard Time Notation
NS. Kin 34 White Galactic Wizard PCU KIN 53 “The rotation period of small Sirius B around big Sirius A is 52 world years. During the time of the Hierarchical Order, since the direct Cosmic Currents used to fall directly on the orbit of your planet,...
October 4th, 1582 ~ October 4th, 2019: 437 years of an IRRATIONAL & IRREGULAR time system
"Of all the unexamined assumptions and criteria upon which we base and gauge our daily lives as human beings on planet Earth, by far the greatest and most profoundly unquestioned is the instrument and institution known as the Gregorian Calendar." José...
Breaking the Barrier: Releasing from the Spell of History
"To grasp the distinction between 12:60 third-dimensional time and 13:20 fourth-dimensional time is to break the barrier of the consensus reality of materialism which now dooms all of our planetary existence. Being based on a twelve-part division of space...
Of Moons, Mayans & the 13-Moon Calendar
"History is the script of those in power, and whoever holds the power writes the history." - José Argüelles - As we approach the 524th anniversary of the landing of Columbus in America (known back then as Turtle Island) we will be featuring a series of...
1. A Season Of Apocalypses: The Gregorian Calendar Unmasked
"History is the script of those in power, and whoever holds the power writes the history." - José Argüelles - As we approach the 524th anniversary of the landing of Columbus in America (known back then as Turtle Island) we will be featuring a series of...
Thinking about the Unthinkable
Of all the unexamined assumptions and criteria upon which we base and gauge our daily lives as human beings on planet Earth, by far the greatest and most profoundly unquestioned is the instrument and institution known as the Gregorian Calendar. A calendar,...
Why 13 Moonths? Why 13 Moons?
The 13 Moon calendar is based on the 28-day harmonic lunar cycle. This is the amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth, when seen from outer space. During this time it turns on its axis but once, which is why we are always seeing the same side of...
Let’s Define Time, Natural Time, & Feminine Time
Let's Define Time, Natural Time, and Feminine Time They are all one and the same. And they have been stolen from us quite intentionally. According to the ancient Maya, time is the universal factor of synchronization. Time is simply that which holds...

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